introduction to cloud computing Oct 10, 2020 how to get started with the cloud and machine learning in general.
convolutional neural networks with swift for tensorflow: overview Aug 07, 2020 Video • Slides Did an overview of convolutional neural networks with swift for tensorflow for the swift-sig group, talking about how I structured the book and approached writing it. Transcript Thank you for letting me talk today, and I thank everyone else for joining today. I’ve written this book, Convolutional Neural Networks with Swift for TensorFlow – I’ve been working on it for about a year now. I recently shipped it off to the publishers. ...
Introduction to Machine Learning with Google Cloud Jun 20, 2020 Video • Slides • Q+A An online meetup with GDG Little Rock AR and GDG Columbia MO. An overview of machine learning in general and trends in deep learning in particular, followed by suggestions on how to get started with ML on google cloud, then demos of various approaches (colab, kubeflow notebooks, cloud vision api, custom instances w/ swift for tensorflow + TPU). Transcript On a high-level today, we’re going to talk about machine learning in general, then we’ll look at some different ways to do it on Google Cloud. ...
hackillinois 2020 Mar 01, 2020 hackillinois 2020 Walked students through how to get started making contributions to open source, mentored people with projects, talked with people about how to get started with machine learning, met homebrew maintainers in real life, made some PR’s of my own, got shot in nerf battle, drank a bunch of ☕️! hackillinois 2020
machine learning and mobile @ swift-sig Dec 20, 2019 swift sig: how to build an end-to-end pipeline using swift for tensorflow and mlir to train and deploy models to a phone ...
machine learning and mobile Nov 16, 2019 how to build an end-to-end pipeline using swift for tensorflow and mlir to train and deploy models to a phone. ...
advanced convolutional neural networks, q3 2019 Oct 29, 2019 Some interesting advanced convolutional neural network papers from 2019.
quantum mechanics (in five minutes) Oct 29, 2019 A quick introduction to quantum mechanics.
convolutional neural networks with swift (and python) [4x] Sep 18, 2019 how to build convolutional neural networks to perform image recognition using swift and python ...
Introduction to Swift for TensorFlow Jun 05, 2019 how to get started with swift for tensorflow, at AltConf 2019 ...